I am going to start with energy and then address health care and education in future blogs. These are some ideas that have been swirling around in my head.
- Less than 5% of Americans telecommute, but 40% could telecommute.
- 70 minutes per day are wasted in an office setting chit-chatting with co-workers.
- Telecommuting saves each person approximately $900/year at $4 per gallon of gas.
- 26 days are eliminated each year in commute time.
- If 40% of the workforce telecommuted, we would cut our dependence on foreign oil by 80%.
- After an initial adjustment period (usually lasting around 60 days), telecommuters have been found to be more productive than traditional office workers; less likely to miss work; enjoy the work more.
2. Emphasize the 4-day work week
Some jobs don't lend themselves to telecommuting. Many of these jobs can offer workers 4-day work weeks instead of a more traditional 5-day work week. This will provide similar benefits as telecommuting in reducing oil consumption, traffic congestion, wasted commute time, etc...
I think you need to emphasize 10-hour work days versus 8-hour work days to make this viable. Worker productivity would need to stay high for the US economy to remain competitive. But I would venture to say that most workers would accept a trade-off of 4 10-hour days versus 5 8-hour days.
3. Go nuclear
My dad holds a PhD in physics and has worked for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for over 30 years. So I am sure he has contributed to my pro-nuclear energy beliefs. The case for nuclear energy at this point is overwhelming.
Patrick Moore- co-founder of Greenpeace was anti-nuclear in the 1970s. He wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post two years ago making the case for nuclear energy. Basically:
- It costs less than coal
- It is cleaner energy
- It would help us achieve energy independence by reducing our need for foreign oil
We can also drill for oil off our shores. This is supported by over 75% of the US population and would signal an important move in the direction of energy independence.
This website has a petition going with over 580,000 signatures to encourage Congress to start getting real about our need for energy reform. But ultimately, we need to reduce our oil consumption. Telecommuting, the 4-day work week and a move to nuclear energy will help accomplish this need.
Ashley Hodge
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