Saturday, July 04, 2009


There is something better than freedom. Don't get me wrong. I love freedom. I cherish it every day.

Freedom is not to be taken for granted. The fact that I can write this blog; invest my time today in the activities I choose; worship Christ freely; and pursue a career that I desire are all results of God's grace and the blood and sacrifices of those who came before me.

I was discussing the topic of freedom with my five year old boy yesterday. He asked me the question, "Did Jesus die on the cross for the devil, too?" Five-year olds ask the most complicated questions... I explained to him in the simplest way that I knew how that God granted all humans and angels free will.

Some angels chose to serve God. Some angels wanted to be like God and would not submit to His authority. The fates of these spirits have now been forever sealed. The angels are with God ministering to the needs of His people and are going to be with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven forever. The fallen angels (Satan and demons) are in constant warfare with the purposes of God and are doomed to darkness.

Freedom has a season and then our fates are sealed. Our time on earth is a time of freedom. Some people enjoy more freedoms than others. But all people have the freedom to respond to the revelation of God through creation and Christ. This life is a time of choosing. After death, our fates are sealed like the angels/demons.

Augustine called this the fourfold state of the will:

1. Pre-Fall Man (Adam/Eve in the Garden of Eden)

They were granted the power to sin and the power not to sin.

2. Post-Fall Man (All of humankind in a depraved state in need of a Redeemer)

Since the fall, we have the power to sin and we are unable to avoid sin.

3. Reborn Man (those who trust in Christ and are given the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit)

The reborn man is restored to the state of Adam and Eve. We have the power to sin and the power not to sin.

4. Glorified Man (After death, believers are sealed like the angels to a state of eternal obedience to Christ)

The glorified man is in a state of being able to sin and unable to sin.

To many people there is no worse idea in the world than to lose their freedom. Sadly, these people are often the ones who refuse to submit to God's authority. I was listening to a Francis Chan sermon this week. He recounted something J Vernon McGee said, "This is God's universe and He does whatever He wants. You can do whatever you want... when you get your own universe."

I thank God for freedom. But I especially thank God that one day I will no longer be free to sin and choose to rebel against Him. This is the most precious of gifts. Because His ways are always better than mine.

For His Glory,

Ashley Hodge

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