Sunday, November 27, 2005

Suffering mixed with blessings

This has been a difficult year in a lot of ways for my wife-Amy- and me. Amy was diagnosed with a serious neurological condition that has greatly affected her walking and general day-to-day mobility. She was also diagnosed with a spinal cord tumor which needs to be surgically removed. Doctors tell us that these two conditions are unrelated. The odds of her getting both are at 1 in 2.5 billion- almost statistically impossible. At 36 years of age, my wife never expected to go through the trials with her health that she is experiencing.

We have been reminded that this world is under the curse of sin and that we will experience suffering in this life. Yet in spite of these trials, we have so much to be thankful for. We have a healthy 20-month old son that has been a blessing to us beyond words. We have tremendous friends and family that have bent over backwards to love, pray for, cook for and help us with our son's care. I am thankful for a good business and clients that I enjoy serving. Life is a mixture of blessings and suffering.

I cannot imagine living in a world that was all suffering and no blessings. That kind of world would be literally hell. The Bible communicates that this is the fate of all who reject God in the flesh- Christ. They will live in a world for all eternity that is completely removed from the presence of God. My heart breaks for anyone on this path. I hope that they turn to Christ in faith and repentance before it is too late.

On the flip side, I enjoy imagining a place that is all blessings and no suffering. This is described in the Bible as Heaven- the renovated earth. This is a place where there is no curse, no sin, no evil, no suffering, no hatred, no wars, no crime, no perversion, no injustice, etc... Most importantly, it will contain the continual presence of God- revealed in the Father, Son and Spirit. I long for the day when our bodies and minds will not break down and will be redeemed along with all creation.

Until that day, I am content not to seek heaven on earth, but instead seek heaven in Heaven. God graciously mixes His blessings in a world that is groaning under the curse of sin- Romans 8:18-25.

For God's Glory,

Ashley Hodge


Thomas said...

I joined this blogger thing strictly to tell you a couple of things. First, Romans 8:18 is my favorite verse in the Bible. Second, it takes a solid believer to take a situation that seems hopeless and to know that God still loves you. I often hear in times of struggle. God has a reason, he loves you. I seldom hear a follow-up to that statement; how about we consider what God's love is, my favorite portion of 1 Cor 13 is that Love seeks not its own. I am truly blessed to read this blog and to find such stability in doctrine. You rock and I will keep these things in my prayers.

Ashleyhodge said...

Thomas- thanks for your comments. I appreciate your encouragement.